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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

How To Avoid Accidents While Driving At Night

Driving on today’s congested roadways can be risky at any time of the day or night. But several factors make nighttime the most dangerous driving time of all. Factors That Contribute to the Dangers of Night Driving Driver fatigue: According to the National Safety Council (NSC), driving after 20 hours without sleep is equivalent to driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at the U.S....

Term Vs. Whole Life Insurance: Which Do You Need?

Update: Talk to your local agent to request a contact-free life insurance quote. For a limited time, we are waiving the requirement of a paramedical exam in light of CDC guidance to maintain social distancing and prevent the spread of COVID-19. Life is always changing – which is why it’s important to review your insurance needs and make sure your coverage is keeping up with...

31 Must-Have Items For Your Home Emergency Kit

It can be hard to imagine several days (or weeks) without power, internet or running water. But in the event of an emergency, anything can happen. That’s why your family should have an emergency plan and supplies ready for any type of disaster. Depending on where you live, a disaster could mean heavy snow, flooding, a tornado, or a hurricane. So make your plan personal...

6 Fresh Ideas For A Fun Family Dinner Night

Sometimes, family dinners can start to feel like a chore. With poor planning, picky eaters, and hectic schedules, it’s easy to feel like you’re serving the same meals over and over again. But with a little creativity, family meals can be an opportunity for both parents and children to build stronger relationships while trying something new. Because meals are about more than just feeding your...

The 7 Most Unhelpful Things To Say To Someone Who’s House Hunting

Real talk: Buying your first house – or any house! – is one of the biggest financial decisions you’ll make in a lifetime. (That’s why it matters to do your research about homeowners insurance.) My husband and I have been house hunting for more than three years. And if your experience is anything like ours… it’s an emotional roller coaster. As a house-hunter, you’re already...